Deceased David V1 (ORIGINAL)

Written: October 30th, 2020

Chapter 1: The Incident

David Chromenberg was a young teenager 11 years old. He had spiky brown hair and swag glasses hiding his eyes. He wore a dark green jacket and blue jeans. He was abandoned as a baby and found by his two parents, Martha and Thomas. He lived a good life. Until he became.. Evil and f***ked up. Nobody knows why it happened, but the demons followed him around and never left. This is where our story begins...

It was a day like any other. David was browsing his favourite web forums and watching viral videos. David wanted to go viral more than anything else. He shut away his family and stayed in his studio cooking up his formula to get as many hits as possible.

“David, sweetie,” his mother said, “You need to stop trying to make a viral video. You will never amount to anything.”

This was when David’s demons started talking to him They told him “KILL YOUR PARENTS DAVID. They are trying to hold you back from making your viral video..” At first David did not want to do it, but then David did it. He killed his own parents… In cold blooded. Now there was nothing to stop him from making a viral video.

Why did this happen? Well, when David was a little boy, he used to watch all kinds of viral videos and internet memes. All of his friends bullied him because they all had viral videos with so many hits, but David had nothing.

To kill his parents, David picked up his lamp and hit his mother in the heart, she fell down. Death was instant. David was sad for a moment but then he realised that she was a wicked beast who needed to be killed. David’s father walked into the room shortly after.

“David!” he shouted, “What do you think you are doing! My wife Martha is DEAD because of you. You are a twisted psychopath… We should have left you there all those years ago.”

“SHUT UP!!” (smosh reference) David cried, before punching his father in the nose and then in the brain, killing him instantly. He put his father right next to his mother, took all of his equipment and proceeded to burn the house down.


Chapter 2: A New Beginning

David ran away as fast as he could, holding his camera, laptop and microphone. There was no going back now. He had to make this viral video, or this would have all been for nothing. It’s what his parents would have wanted. He called his best friend, Ryan. He was the only one that didn’t bully him when he was young. You see, Ryan lived in a small shack in the woods where David was running. He was his last shot at a new life and a new viral video.

“Ryan!” David said on the phone. “I need your help. My parents… they’re… they’re dead Ryan. My parents are dead. My house is gone… i NEED you ryan” Ryan was shocked “What do you need, best friend” “I need to make a viral video and i cant do it alone.”
Ryan said “Okay. come to my shack”

David met up with Ryan at the shack. They had not seen each other since the school days. They caught up with each other and had nice conversations. It was good. David put his equipment on the table and said “Let’s meme.” Ryan nodded.

It took many hours, but after many takes and recordings. They created their very own video which was SURE to go viral. It would get a large amount of upvotes on the web forum.

Ryan said “Are you sure this will work?” David said “I have no idea.” (meeting the medic reference) So basically they posted the video and sure enough, it got seven hits within a day. THEY CELEBRATED! They drank mountain dew and monster shake. Life was good.


Chapter 3: Conflict

“I’m sorry for doubting you David” “Its ok Ryan” “Hey how did your parents die”. David began to sweat nerviously. “Uhh.. umm……” things got VERY awkward. David could not explain that it was him. Then he did. “Im sorry Ryan! It was the demons inside. Me they tell me to do bad things. They have control over my body..” “DAVID.. WHAT THE F***K. DUDE”

It was then when the demons said to david “Kill him… Destroy him… he knows too much about your twisted sins.” David lost all remorse and feelings. “Ok.” He fought Ryan, but there was a struggle, Ryan overpowered him. Suddenly, Davis eyes turned black and red. His eyes started bleeding. His voice became deeper. “LEAVE. ME. ALONE!!!” But it was no use. Ryan kicked him in the head, he lost all brain damage. Luckily, David has died. Ryan killed him before he could wreak anymore havoc. Or so we think…


Chapter 4: A happy ending… (Or is it?)

Ryan was shocked at what he has done but there was no other way. The demons have consumed David. But.. suddenly. A Dark energy emerged from David’s dead body. One of the demons… Suddenly, Ryan was engulfed. He became demon infested and twisted, just like david.

“I have this.. Feeling. Like i want to be evil now.” He started laughing like some kind of crazy maniac. He said “I am going to take all the credit for the viral video… Nothing can stop me.” He threw david away to decompose in the woods and left his shack to start anew.

Suddenly, David woke up. He was deceseased. But… he was moving. And he could think. But all he could think was. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE. He staggered across the deep forest to find his way out. Until he noticed something odd. On one of the trees… a page. How strange…

He didnt have time to think about what it was before he heard a voice behind him say. “Hello David. I can help you….” David turned around. No.. It can’t be..

Slender man.


Read the other versions here:

Version 2
Version 3 (Final Version)

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